Blockchain holds the power to unlock a future where individuals are in complete control of their health data, AI-driven solutions improve medical decisions, and safeguarding data privacy becomes an indisputable right. In this episode, we are joined by Eberhard Scheuer, President of the Board of Directors of dHealth Foundation. Today, we discuss blockchain technology and its profound influence on the realm of healthcare. At the heart of this conversation lies the question of how blockchain is transforming the medical landscape. Eberhard demystifies the concept, explaining that blockchain is essentially a decentralized system, eliminating the need for intermediaries and empowering individuals with control over their data. In a world where data is currency, blockchain emerges as the safeguard of our digital twins – the amalgamation of our scattered information in silos. Eberhard also explains how blockchain grants individuals autonomy over their data, enabling them to share it selectively without compromising privacy. Come and join us as Eberhard unveils the way to a future where individuals can have unparalleled control over their health data, and where AI-powered solutions empower us to live healthier lives.

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The Future Of Blockchain In Healthcare – A Conversation With Eberhard Scheuer

In this episode, we have Eberhard Scheuer who is a leader in the crypto and blockchain space. He’s doing some interesting things by translating the technology of blockchain and cryptocurrency into the healthcare space, which is interesting. Can you tell us a little bit about what you’re doing, Eberhard, and how it is going to make the future better for us?

First of all, thank you for inviting me. I have to go back to where I come from so that might explain what we are doing. I’m a psychologist by training, so I was working in research. What always struck me is that people are not interested in their health data. Everybody does collect health data like the industry researchers, but the ones who are producing the data are not interested in their data. That is my experience in working with patients. When we started thinking about how could we incentivize people to collect their data and tend to their data because, at some point in life, we need them when we get sick. It only shows that when you look at the research, people are only interested in their data when they are sick themselves or somebody they know suffers from some disease.



When we started, we thought about incentivizing people for collecting their data. Knowing from psychology that incentivization through tokens, that’s a small step to crypto tokens. Being in Switzerland near the Crypto Valley, somebody asked me in 2016 if we could do something on healthcare and blockchain. That was the start. At that time, we were giving people tokens when they shared the data, but then a lot of things happened. The pandemic came and we started to do many different things like tracing vaccines and also outbreak detection together with a large pharm company.

We decided that we will focus on blockchain infrastructure to make it accessible and as easy to use as possible for the healthcare crowd because blockchain has some big advantages and also disadvantages compared to traditional storage solutions, but it’s still hard to use the technology. Even if you are in crypto, it’s hard to build decentralized applications. Not even talk about people who come from the centralized world working in healthcare where everything is centralized.


FSP - DFY 13 | Blockchain In Healthcare


We have medical and insurance centers. Everything is centralized traditionally. Also, the data is centralized. Bringing them to a decentralized world, that’s the challenge that we are facing. We are trying to make it as easy as possible for them to use the blockchain components that you need in order to interact with the existing blockchain and also take advantage of blockchain technology. That’s basically what we are providing. You can also call it Web3 components and everything that helps to decentralize data.


FSP - DFY 13 | Blockchain In Healthcare


I think that this idea of blockchain revolutionizing so many different industries is something that you hear about a lot, but everybody’s idea of blockchain comes from the cryptocurrency space. What are the benefits of blockchain to some of these other industries? What is the benefit to the medical industry? I think when people look at blockchain, they think of its capabilities. They’re thinking of it as a speculative asset. It’s something that has the potential to change finance, but it hasn’t gotten there. It hasn’t gotten mass adoption, and then the peaks and valleys make people who are not in the industry a little bit scared about what blockchain is. How is that going to be changing healthcare and other industries in your opinion?

The only industry where it’s being applied right now is the financial industry. As we see by the reaction of the SEC trying to put the boot on it, it’s a threat to existing the banking industry. It all comes from the idea of decentralization and what does it mean. If you look at Bitcoin, most people mix up Bitcoin and blockchain whereas Bitcoin is just one financial application using blockchain technology.

What does it bring? It brings peer-to-peer interaction. In finance, it’s that I can send you a digital asset without having to ask my bank to check if I possess enough digital assets. Also, taking a fee from the transaction. I can directly send you something without someone having the opportunity to interfere with that transaction. That’s the decentralization part that blockchain brings. It’s transparent. Every transaction on the blockchain can be seen there.

That’s the decentralization part of that blockchain brings, and it’s transparent; every transaction is on the blockchain.

If you know what it is, that’s a different story because it’s an encrypted transaction. You can see it but you don’t know what it is. It’s only the one who sends the transaction who does know who is the recipient and what is in the transaction. If you take that as the basis of the disruption of peer-to-peer interaction, transparency, and immutability, that’s also very important because you cannot change what’s on the blockchain. That’s the basis of digital asset transfer. Usually, you can copy a hash multiple times but Bitcoin is also a hash. I don’t want inflation to happen by people copying Bitcoin many times.

What the transparency of the blockchain brings is that you have a history of transactions. Actually, through that history, I can prove that I possess a Bitcoin and then I’m allowed to send it to you. Everything that’s in my wallet balance has been derived from the history of the transactions on the blockchain. That’s the transparency part of it.

Decentralization, transparency, and immutability are all that is there in the blockchain and you cannot shut it down. What does it mean? It doesn’t have a central authority that governs the whole process of transactions. If you think about it upfront, nobody even knows who the guy, the woman, or the person who invented Bitcoin is, but it still runs up to date without a single minute of downtime. That shows that this is possible to have a decentralized organization that runs without a central controlling entity.

In the finance area, we can say a bank is a central authority controlling what’s going on. In the healthcare space, who could that be? That could be insurance if I look at the US which is the most expensive and probably most inefficient healthcare system in the world in terms of the life expectancy of its citizens. You have the highest costs. Who takes out the costs or the profit? It’s not you as a doctor or the hospital. Some of the hospitals do, but it’s very often the health plan providers and insurance.

In other countries like Germany or Switzerland, their profit is kept, so it’s not as bad as in other countries, but still, there’s a lot of administrative overhead that’s out there. What if a decentralized healthcare system could get rid of those centralized administrative processes? For example, you are a surgeon who also does maxillofacial surgery or with teeth. We had a discussion with American Pediatric Dentists. They want to do health plans on a blockchain. What’s the difference from a traditional health plan? Right now, I pay for a health benefit plan and I have no control over how that money is being spent.

The only thing that insurance does is it collects money on the one side and distributes it according to certain rules or regulatory rules on the other side to the healthcare providers. What if what the insurance does can be governed by a so-called smart contract? That’s a set of rules that’s also on the blockchain so nobody can change it. The parties who entered that contract, for one, it’s transparent about what that contract means and how the money is spent under which condition. How could that work and save money?

For example, parents pay for their children’s health benefit plan for $50 per year, and then the contract says, “If they brush their teeth properly then the cavity is being fixed for free. Also, the likelihood of a cavity occurring is very low if they brush their teeth well.” You have that money coming into a liquidity pool on the blockchain. You paid as a digital currency on the blockchain. There are rules about how good you have to brush your teeth.

You can scan it with an AI tool that gives you a plaque score. That plaque score is written on a blockchain and that triggers a smart contact in the case of a cavity that has to be fixed. That smart contact has the value of your plaque score, and then it has the demand of the doctor for the payment. It’s being released or partially released depending on how good the plaque score of the child is.

You know what you’re paying and getting under which conditions and there’s no human being in the middle that has to touch that at all and has to make decisions. You can even implement a rule that says, “If there’s no cavity at all, you get a 50% refund from that pool. By the way, we’ll incentivize patients to brush their teeth well or tend to their health.” That’s an application that we foresee in the future to happen.

I think it’s a good thing to get a lot of the middle management out of healthcare. Especially in the US, it’s become a bloated industry. It’s something that I hope the blockchain will affect. My concern is that the smart contracts are going to be manipulated by the insurance companies. When I think about decentralization, it’s a nice concept, but for those people who are the central repositories of information or power, it tends to skew toward their favor.

For example, Bitcoin has not been the power to the people changing the world finance system that it was. Now the people that are Bitcoin millionaires tend to be a certain sector of the population. I’m in the business of getting coverage for my patients and I can’t tell you how many times I get a denial. I have to call somebody on the phone, explain the situation, and then get approval. My concern is it becomes almost too automated. What are your thoughts on that? Am I thinking catastrophically about this? How would it be better with blockchain in place?

First of all, I have to agree that nowadays the original idea of Cryptocurrencies/Bitcoin has not been achieved. People talk too much about making money instead of trying to use technology to improve the system. I agree that this has gone in a direction where, for me, it doesn’t make sense anymore. It’s more centralized than you think because there are a couple of big players out there controlling large amounts of Bitcoin.

Nowadays, the original idea of cryptocurrencies slash Bitcoin has not been achieved. People talk too much about making money instead of trying to use technology to improve the system.

Nevertheless, the infrastructure is clear and a smart contract, if it’s on the blockchain, it’s transparent and cannot be altered. Everybody knows what you are entering into. If that’s something that doesn’t bring you any benefit, there’s no need for you to enter into that contract. Especially in dentistry, which is a lot of out-of-pocket payment, I can choose. As long as it’s transparent and there are certain several providers, I can choose who I want to do business with or which contract I would enter. What you described is the current system. This is a little bit about who controls the data also controls the system. If we stick with dentistry, but it’s true for all of healthcare, who owns the data can see, what the risks of someone becoming ill? How expensive is this patient going to be?

Let’s take dentistry as an example. When I go to my dentist, he takes a scan of my teeth. I don’t get a copy of that scan, so they own it. Legally, I own it, but they are the custodians and most people will not question that. They recommend a treatment to me in Switzerland quite expensive. Lots of people can afford it so there’s no need for me to question that. I can even leave the original with the dentist, but what if I have a copy of the data? In a market where it’s all out-of-pocket payment, I have the freedom to decide where I want to go. If I have a copy of the data, I can get a second opinion for a cheaper treatment.

Right now, that’s not possible and that exemplifies the power of data and healthcare. Unfortunately, coming back to where we started, a lot of people don’t see that. They’re not even interested or they don’t have the means of controlling their data. If I ask a dentist, they will send a JPEG via email. That’s the current state of digitization we’re talking about. That’s usually not what is happening.

Here in Europe, I would assume also in most industrialized countries, the data sits with the large stakeholders in healthcare and not with the users/patients. That’s what we are working on. If you own your data or have at least a copy of the data and can share it with whoever you want to share it with, you are in a position where you are not dependent on the existing healthcare providers.

That’s the ideal. The ideal is to control your own data. Certainly right now, if we were to look at any technology that would benefit from blockchain, I look at it as records or record keeping in general. Electronic medical records are something that is such a low-hanging fruit for blockchain to revolutionize. For whatever reason, people have this idea of blockchain and it’s a negative idea.

When you’re talking about owning your own information, that’s the goal for every industry. What are some other industries that you think blockchain might be like? Let’s take a bird’s eye view of this thing. Finance was the first iteration. Hopefully, it goes into medical records, like you’re saying. What are some other industries that you feel would benefit from blockchain technology?

Everything around logistics. That’s the low-hanging fruit in blockchain. It also leads us to healthcare. Why logistics such a low-hanging fruit for blockchain is you have to log into a system record that a parcel has arrived. You have to share that information with other players in the supply chain. I’m taking healthcare as an example like the pharma industry. That’s what some of the larger companies are working on.

Why logistics? If there’s a place where something is created, let’s say a vaccine, and then you scan it, that information is being written on the blockchain. Since it’s publicly available, it can be seen by the other participants in the supply chain. For example, one person or company will receive the parcel or the goods. They see that it’s being out of the company in Basel, for example.

With big corporations like FedEx or DHL, they have their proprietary system. They have to maintain their own IT infrastructure and access management to the data. They have large records of people. If some are very easy to be hacked or very attractive to be hacked, it’s very expensive for them to maintain as an infrastructure.

The vaccine case I’m talking about is with the Swiss Tropical Public Health Institute. They have asked us to do a project with them in Western Africa, so they don’t have the money to build up a large infrastructure. The main reason why they asked us to help them with blockchain was the transparency of all the people involved without having to build up an extra IT infrastructure. Writing blockchain is quite easy. There are tools to do that. Writing costs something because the transaction has to be written and disseminated over all the different notes that hold a copy of the blockchain and the distributed system or decentralized system, but reading the blockchain is free. Everybody can do that.

Every part in that logistic chain can be read as a transaction. As a matter of fact, in a public blockchain, everybody can read that transaction. As I mentioned earlier if you don’t have the key to decrypt that information, you don’t know what the transaction is about. The parts in that supply chain case all have the keys to decrypt the information that they are allowed to see. That’s a simple case without having to build up large infrastructure and it can be deployed in a couple of days.



Are you finding that the majority of the clients that you work with are logistical in nature? They’re in the medical space, but they’re asking you to use blockchain for logistical reasons. For example, vaccine delivery and things like that.

As I said, that’s the low-hanging fruit. That’s not the majority of our partners, but that’s part of the inquiries that we are receiving.

What are your partners using blockchain for? What’s the most common example?

The most common example is still payment processes. For example, cross-border payments. You can also make sure that the person that’s supposed to receive the payment receives the payment, which is an interesting prospect for relief organizations giving money to finance 10,000 treatments in Africa. They then can track if the money that they put in has been received by the person that’s supposed to receive the funds. Payment is still the most common case. I would also think in the future that if you combine that with stablecoins, that’s a huge business case and opportunity to get rid of administrative costs, especially also in healthcare.

Logistics is some of the projects or ideas people have that come to us. Interestingly enough, most inquiries come from emerging markets where the population has leapfrogged to the mobile phone where there are not so many established infrastructures. It’s always hard to establish some new technology in a market that’s already saturated like the US or Switzerland. It’s much easier to implement something new in countries where there’s a need, but they don’t have a solution yet, which can be the supply chain case.

How did you get into all of this? You said you’re a psychologist by trade. This seems like a very different industry. What brought you to blockchain?

First of all, at some point, I started as a research psychologist. That’s always a lot of computers number-crunching, so the affinity to data was always there. Also, the realization that data is not collected by those who should collect the data. It’s coming back to the personal health record issue. I got that phone call from one of the founders of Crypto Valley whom I met many years ago in the US. It’s on the Empire State Building. He was asking me in 2016 if I’m still in healthcare and I said, “Yes, I am.” At that time, I was still a consultant working with one of the large telecom companies. Before, I was head of eHealth at the university hospital here in Zurich.

That’s how the idea came to life that you start to incentivize people for sharing the data. That’s not so far from behavioral modification because, in the end, that’s what you’re doing. You’re trying to modify their behavior, not collecting data to collecting data. The concept of a token is very common in psychology anyways. A token is something that’s backed by value. How do you use tokens to motivate your kids to clean up their room, do their homework, or do the dishes? For example, you give them tokens, and that could be like a red dot. The red dot or the red sticker doesn’t have any intrinsic value, but if you say, “If you collect five red dots, we go to the movie theaters.” That’s a motivation for them to do what you asked them to collect the red dots.

That’s a little bit the same principle that I envisioned for collecting health data. We give them the tokens, which in return they can use to redeem certain services. That’s one of the legacy projects that we’re having. It’s on hold because it’s in Ukraine where rare disease patients monitor their treatment through an app that interacts with the blockchain.

The blockchain is there to do two things. It incentivizes them when they share the data. In that case, it’s hemophilia patients sharing the bleeding rate per week. Once they share it, they get tokens, which they then can use to redeem certain services in the system. The second reason why we apply blockchain there is that we protect the identity of the people because they only live there as a public key. That’s all the other people who process the data. We are not processing the data and that’s part of the decentralization, that by principle, we are not collecting any data ourselves.

Our partners do with the help of our blockchain, but we don’t. Privacy is protected and blockchain is also a prime example of use case incentivization. Giving them a crypto token can be also called cryptocurrency if it’s tradable and exchangeable to field currencies like US dollars. That’s the setup. That’s also how I got into the whole issue of blockchain.

Are you using that data for anything other than intentional use? One of the things that is a big fear of the idea of data, in general, is, “Somebody is going to use my data to profit or to cause my life to be negative in some way.” Are you able to do that with blockchain or because of the encryption, are you protected from that?

Nowadays, what you described is happening because you give your data to some centralized organization. It can be a hospital, insurance, or Facebook. You give them data and you have to trust them that they handle your data well. If they change their business, you might lose access to your data. Actually, that happened in the UK with Google and the NHS. They promised never to use the patient data that they collected or that they were storing for their business. At some point, it came out that they used patient data for their core business, which is advertising. That can only happen if you give your data to someone and you have to trust that they tend well to your data. Most organizations do that, but you always have to trust someone.

In a blockchain/decentralized world, you only have to trust yourself because I’m the only one who is the gatekeeper or the custodian of my data. Of course, then, I can share the data or I can have them look at my data without physically sharing a copy of the data. For that, I have to give them the decryption key. It always has to go through me and I know when someone wants to see my data because I have to approve it, otherwise they cannot see the data.

You always have to trust someone in a blockchain/decentralized world.

That’s actually what they’re doing in Estonia for many years now. They use blockchain for identity management and data access management. There’s no piece of data written on the blockchain, but access to the data is governed by blockchain solutions. To address the fears of people, blockchain is a good technology to protect your data because, without the keys that you can give out, nobody can decrypt your data.

I feel like many people worry about privacy going forward because it seems like we’re getting less of it as we become a more connected society. However, one of the biggest benefits I see with blockchain is the privacy aspect. I hope that that’s something that is able to be kept under control because there’s such an incentive to use data. That’s honestly one of the things that I worry about.

Maybe because of this, people who are doing studies, research, and stuff would have less access to data. Right now, they can talk to an electronic medical record company and get every single heart attack that happened in this particular hospital system very easily. That’s one of the things that the artificial intelligence community is looking forward to. It’s the ability to predict issues before they happen and get the data from these large medical record companies to drive the algorithms that predict things preemptively. I like the idea of privacy, but I still want those entities to also have access. Do you think that that’s going to be possible and probable?

The reality is that we are not going to change healthcare overnight. We cannot replace the existing system with something new. If it happens, it happens as a gradual process. The way I see it, the silos that are out there, like Epic, insurance, or doctors’ systems will continue to exist. We are not getting around it. We are not changing that. At least not in the next few years, but we can gradually motivate people to get a copy of the data.

The reality is that we are not going to change healthcare overnight.

In the US, you have HIPAA. People can get a copy of the data for themselves, but the original data will remain with those in those silos. That’s okay because very often, they need it for regulatory reasons, but you get a copy of the data. You are the only one who can consolidate the data from different silos. A silo is a clinical information system. It can be insurance or my Apple watch. Those are data that if I combine them, there’s a very holistic approach to my life based on the data. That’s what a lot of big tech companies are trying to get their hands on.

That’s a good thing and a bad thing. In the same way, that blockchain is a good thing and a bad thing. The idea of the data being out there and for tech companies to use it to benefit us, that’s the future that I want to live in. I’d love to have somebody looking at my health data and saying, “You need to change this behavior so that you can live longer.” I think that we’re on the verge of that. I feel like when we’re talking, blockchain is mutually exclusive to that, but I hope that that’s something that they can find some reconciliation.


FSP - DFY 13 | Blockchain In Healthcare


I think there’s one fundamental change or difference from the current system. I agree that I want a companion that tells me how I can live more healthy or that warns me, “You should go to the doctor because your heart is having some arrhythmias.” I would appreciate that, but nowadays, in order to do that someone has to collect the data and be the custodian of the data. Now the Apples or Amazons of this world are trying to get into that business because healthcare is such a large industry. If they want to grow, they cannot grow in their home territory. They have to enter new markets. In healthcare, it is out to be conquered.

The fundamental difference between the centralized world that we’re looking at and the decentralized world is that I don’t have to give my data to someone. I am the custodian of my data, and then I can expose my data to algorithms out there without having them have a copy or own a copy of my data. That’s the fundamental difference between now where I have to give my data to someone. I need to trust that they’re not messing with my data. The future in the Web3 area, we don’t have to call it the blockchain. It’s that I have my data and I ask the algorithms to come and tell me what’s wrong with my data.

A simple example can be your vaccination record. This happened in Switzerland. There was a solution by the central government where you could record your vaccine shots. The idea was also in the future, there’s a bot telling me when I have to get a booster and so on. A lot of people did that. My wife and 500,000 people in Switzerland did that, and then it got hacked. You could manipulate the data of people. You could look at what famous people had for vaccines, and then shut it down. That’s the risk of a centralized system. There are lots sitting there and if you exploit that, a lot of people are affected.

On the contrary, in the decentralized world, I’ll record it on my side, and then I ask the bot or I can share the data with my doctor when he or she needs it. I’m giving them access to my data. That’s not so attractive for hackers because they have to hack every single record. That’s not interesting for them. That’s a big difference. One other difference is you mentioned you want that someone is analyzing your data and giving you recommendations. Right now, data is being monetized and a lot of AI companies build their intellectual property or their algorithms on owning data. I will give the data to them or the hospital who’s giving my data to them.

Here, it’s not allowed to do that. They’re trying to change that. It lowers the thresholds of data privacy. I’m not being asked, I don’t even get a notification that someone is using my data, and I’m certainly not part of the monetization of the data. Let’s be honest, they don’t do it for the sake of helping us. They do it to profit.

I do think that there’s a lot of good in what you said. We are getting to the end of our time and I feel like we did a deep dive into blockchain and crypto or maybe a superficial dive for someone like yourself. Certainly, it was a little bit more conceptual than I initially thought. I wanted to talk and ask you a few questions, which I do with all my guests at the end. First off, this is a technical field and it sounds like you have been doing this for a long time. What got you here from a motivational perspective? For me, science fiction is something that gives me a lot of hope for the future. What are some things, maybe it’s science fiction, movies, or literature, that give you motivation in what you’re doing?

There’s no specific science fiction series like Star Trek with the visor or something that brought me to that area. It’s curiosity and always trying to do something new that brought me to the field. Also seeing that healthcare is such a slow-moving industry and having worked there for decades, we have to solve some of the issues that became apparent during the pandemic in terms of digitization or the lack of digitization to solve that. That’s still driving me to date.

One of the things, when you were talking a lot about it, reminded me a lot of the cyberpunk genre of science fiction, where data is such a big part of our lives. It’s something that has become relatively popular in the past few years, so check it out if you have an opportunity. Anything in the cyberpunk genre fits with Bitcoin very well because data is such a commodity. The ability to be online and have access to the internet drives society in such a way that it’s almost like a commodity. It’s like a right to have. We’re on the cusp of that for sure. Don’t you feel like most people look at the internet as a right these days?

Absolutely. If I talk to my kids, they cannot imagine that I grew up in a world where there was no internet. That’s a remote concept for them. What you mentioned, cyberpunk, that’s something where the roots of blockchain technologies are. One more thing, if you talk about data about us, that brings us to a digital twin of us. Some people have thought the metaverse will be the next big thing. I doubt that, but in a sense, we already have the digital twin of us living in many places or those silos, especially in the healthcare system where there is a lot of data collected about ourselves.

At some point, we should not leave the digital twins out there without us knowing what’s happening to them. We should be the ones consolidating all the different twins out there of us. Maybe looking into the future, data can be used to increase our life expectancy. As some people, I’m sure you also know that. Think about longevity or eternal life, that could be our data live forever and have their mind and feelings.

I would prefer the biological component. I’m talking to a gentleman that is working on the whole concept of longevity. It’s something that’s very in vogue right now. It’s people like you and me that want to live to be 200 years old. That’s something that’s coming for the next episode. The fact of the matter is that I do think that having digital twins would be cool. Hopefully, it could be something that allows us to make better use of our time. A lot of these are mundane decisions that we make. If we could give that to somebody else, that would make our lives better.

Second question. The idea of blockchain is something that is still relatively new. In your head, other than the finance space, what do you hope to see in 10 to 15 years that blockchain has done to society? Is the idea of decentralization the main thing, or is the idea of having privacy the main thing for you? Where do you hope that the industry goes in the next 10 to 15 years?

For one, I would hope that it brings me autonomy and independence so that I can make my own decisions. Not just to whom I want to send money, but to whom I want to have access to me or my data. What we’re seeing right now is that the hype of blockchain is fading away and everybody flocks to AI. I found a picture of me talking in 2018 about blockchain and AI in Berlin. The combination of those two mega-hypes is an interesting prospect for the future. We don’t have to look into the future too far. I would say that, in a couple of years, that’s a common technology basis that we can use for our data.

That’s the third question I was going to ask you about, which is how AI and blockchain could work together and what are some potential applications with that. What do you think about that?

I think that’s great. For one, the low-hanging fruit is if I commit my data to train AI. Right now, most AI is trained on stale data, not personalized. The idea would be that we would feed an AI doctor or senior physician with that real-time, real-life data, and improve the outcome of the decisions. That’s one thing. The other thing is that we make it transparent what AI does. AI is a big black box. That’s okay if I ask ChatGPT to write me a business plan or something like that. Is it okay if my life depends on the decision that an AI is making? The black box is not so good in that case, especially if something goes wrong and you have a liability case at your neck.

You want to prove, for example, as a physician that the AI you were using came to the conclusion due to that. That can be written on blockchain to give you, as a doctor, who uses that application and the safety to show why this decision has been done. You’re unlocking the decision. That’s making it transparent and also making the decisions auditable. That’s what blockchain can bring to AI and the combination of those tools.

That sounds cool. Thank you so much for joining us, Eberhard. It was nice speaking with you about all the different applications of blockchain, especially what you’re doing in the medical space. I look forward to speaking with the rest of you guys in the future. Have a great day.

Thank you.


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About Eberhard Scheuer

FSP - DFY 13 | Blockchain In HealthcarePresident | dHealth Foundation | Switzerland
Eberhard is the President of the dHealth Foundation. He holds a PhD in psychology and was head of eHealth at the University Hospital in Zurich until 2005. His aim is to promote the decentralization of the healthcare system using blockchain technology


By: The Futurist Society